ZBMS is the leading quarry stones supplier in Zimbabwe for use in residential, industrial and commercial structures. Also famously known as 3/4 stones, they are the best for all types of concrete including those for building foundations, slabs and beams. These concrete aggregates are available instantly for those building in Harare, Ruwa, Chitungwiza, Norton and surrounding towns. Take note that the advantage of dealing with us is that we are a dedicated quarry products supplies company and your guaranteed delivery service at its best. With Zimbabwe Building Materials Suppliers you build dream homes with our durable supplies. Yet a home can only be a good home when build with proper and right materials provided that in addition of good workmanship.
Additionally they help make the foundations of any structure strong and solid. Building our houses with 3/4 quarry stones in the foundations is like building on a rock.
Quarry stones are crushed from a large size stones to small pieces. Because the ordinary rocks are too big to be used in foundation trenches, slab, lintels, beams and staircases they need to go through crushers. Huge rocks are drilled, blasted and broken repeatedly then into smaller pieces. So as to produce usable sizes, they are carried into crusher machines which then crush them to smaller various sizes.
3/4 quarry stones are screened and graded as 19mm and 20mm then machine separated. 19 mm are heaped separately from 20 mm as well as quarry dust and 10mm. As the machine processes and crushes the stones, they heap in quantities ready for sale.
Uses of quarry stones
Among other purposes listed below crushed stones are mainly used for concrete works and driveways depending on size in mm
When mixed in concrete mixtures, they are easily leveled to create flat surface before bricklaying.
Due to our determination towards reliability, we supply them almost everyday from Sunday to Saturday.
No risk of shortages whenever ordered.
Delivered by tipper trucks, no worries for offloading labor.
Prices are negotiable depending on quantities ordered
Self compacts in concrete, however poker vibrator may be necessary on double storey structures.
Combination materials
Concrete – Cement, water and riversand or quarry dust. Washed riversand is another option for a stronger mixture.
Since August 2016 each cubic of stones is selling at $24 per cubic
2 cubics of 3/4 stones $48
3 – $72
4 – $96
5 cubic for sale at $120
6 – $144
7 – $168
8 – $192
9 – $216
10 – $240
15 – $360
20 cubic costs- $480
Deliveries are made straightaway after payments
Without delay, once payment confirmed delivery takes few hours
Call/Whatsapp: +263778767374 or +263716782260
Email: sales@zbms.co.zw
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